Categories > Pain Management

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture: Framework for Mental Health

Cecil Horwitz RAc, DAc, CH presents Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture: Framework for Mental Health for Alberta Health Services Concurrent Disorders Telehealth Education Series. (more…)

The Hypothyroid Series – The Basics and Pitfalls Around Lab Testing

I wanted to start a series of articles that explore the role of the thyroid and how our systems in the body are reliant on it’s proper functioning.  (more…)

Forward Head Posture: the “Texting Neck” and the “Desktop Neck”

Now more than ever, we are seeing people in our clinic with this forward head posture. What is a forward head posture you ask? (more…)

Help for Women With Painful Periods

Conventional medicine doesn’t have much to offer for the treatment of painful periods. (more…)

Optimizing Health At All Stages: Part 1 of 3 Part Series

Don’t miss our next free information session by Naturopathic Doctor Dr.Kirti Deol!  (more…)

Sciatic and Lower Back Pain Relief for Pregnant Women!

One of the most common reasons a pregnant woman seeks a massage therapist is for lower back pain and general and sciatica specifically. (more…)

Prenatal Massage: Benefits for Mom AND baby!

Various studies have demonstrated that massage can be greatly beneficial, as well as, very safe for pregnant women if provided by a trained and experienced practitioner. (more…)

6 Tips to Beat the Winter Blues and Seasonal Affective Disorder

With the days getting colder and the nights getting longer, it is common for many of us to experience changes in feelings of mood and behaviour along with shifting seasonal changes. (more…)

Anxiety: Risking Our Health and Happiness- 3 Part Series Part 1: How Can Acupuncture Help Decrease Anxiety?

Anxiety can play a huge role in our daily lives and the reality of treating anxiety is that different people require different treatments, even when suffering from the same type of anxiety. (more…)

Inflammation: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Today I wanted to share one of my favorite recipe books out there, Meals That Heal Inflammation by Julie Daniluk. Not only are the recipes in absolutely delicious, it incorporates all these various foods in one big meal that can combat inflammation. Clinically, inflammation can be an underlying factor to many illnesses.  (more…)

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