Age and Fertility Decline in Women

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As the aging female body can have negative effect on reproductive outcomes, it is important to discuss and explore what age-related decline in female fertility means.

Recent research has found that:

  • Fertility begins to decrease for women beginning at approximately 32 years
  • Fertility decrease more rapidly after 37 years


– The total pregnancy rate in up to 12 insemination cycles was:

  • 74% for women younger than 31 years
  • 62% for women 31-35 years
  • 54% for women older than 35

– As age increases, so does risk for fertility impairing disorders such as

  • Leiomyoma
  • Tubal disease
  • Endometriosis

– Fertility of women decreases during reproductive years primarily because of continual oocyte atresia
– Fertility becomes significantly compromised before the onset of menopause
– Increased risk of pregnancy loss in women older than 35 years


What is to be taken from these findings?

  • Women older than 35 years should receive accelerated evaluation and treatment, beginning 6 months after failed conception attempts
  • Women older than 40 years warrant immediate evaluation and treatment
  • Promote education and awareness on age related fertility decline and aid in directing those in need to appropriate resources


How can acupuncture help?


– Patients with infertility, included those using artificial reproductive technologies and those using no biomedical assistance

  • All patients showed significantly improved successful pregnancy rates IVF standalone success rate: 24%
  • Combination of IVF with acupuncture success rate: 42.5%
  • Conceived with acupuncture and/or herbal medicine without biomedical assistance: 52%
  • Conceived with acupuncture and/or herbal medicine with IVF: 9.5%
  • Conceived with acupuncture and/or herbal medicine with IUI: 4.8%


– Acupuncture for fertility is highly effective
– Safe and economical
– No adverse effects from acupuncture and/or medicine treatments
– Electro acupuncture, too, improves pregnancy rate and outcome



American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on Gynecologic Practice and The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. (2014). Female Age-Related Fertility Decline. Committee Opinion No.589. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Retrieved from ‘’


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