Four Helpful Things About The Inner Workings Of Your Reproductive Health
Posted by Admin
In alignment with one of our central tenets – that knowledge is power – i hope that this blog will help give you a better understanding of your reproductive health. Understanding some of the inner workings means when we use our mind-body communication power, we can be more specific with our visualizations – more granular – with these thoughts and intentions.
Here are 4 things I think are helpful to know about the inner workings of your reproductive health (I swear, this will be way less painful than high school health class).
1. The Hypothalamus
These are the small yet very powerful glands in the middle of our brains that regulate homeostasis in our body – from sensing body temperature, hunger and thirst, to stress and reproduction.
It’s kind of like the peace-maker, or the referee, because it takes information from all parts of our bodies, and then sends data to help provide balance. It helps to provide the activity required by our bodies to stay healthy, out of harms way, and to get our bodies ready for reproduction.
2. The Pituitary
The pituitary is the worker bee and is directly controlled by the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus instructs the pituitary through the release of Gonadotropin Release Hormone (GnRH) to release hormones to the ovaries, and then the pituitary gland secrets Lutenizing Hormone (‘LH”) and Follicular Stimulating Hormone (“FSH”) to the ovaries.
These stimulate them and get them ready for reproduction. The following 2 steps are part of the “feed-back loop” that results from these hormones.
3. Leading Up To Ovulation
GnRH is sent from the hypothalamus to the pituitary and signals it to release specific fertility hormones to the ovaries. These instruct the ovaries to stimulate one or more follicles to grow for that month’s cycle. In response, the ovaries release estrogen which binds with the pituitary to tell it to increase the FSH and LH in a feedback loop.
This builds until one of the ovaries releases a fully formed egg into the fallopian tube.
4. After Ovulation
Independent of whether or not the egg becomes fertilized, the follicle that released the egg begins to emit progesterone, which tells the uterus to build nutrients and blood to accept the fertilized egg. The egg actually stays in the fallopian tube for a few days and then floats around in the uterus for a while until it finally either implants in the walls of the uterus in pregnancy.
If no pregnancy, the uterus sheds the lining during menstruation.