How to Beat Holiday Stress

Posted by BubbleUP Marketing

The holidays can be stressful no matter what you’re celebrating. Gifts, guests, finances – it can pile up into a big ball of stress that can make your holidays a lot less merry. So how do we celebrate without all of the tension and headaches? Here are some ways to make your holidays run smoothly.

  1. Get the needed amount of sleep. Sleep is so very important when it comes to regenerating our bodies and our minds. Make sure you stick to your normal bed time as much as possible. Also, if you need to skip out on a holiday party early do it!
  2. Don’t go it alone. Instead of trying to singlehandedly plan the festivities for the whole group, ask them to contribute their ideas, time, and effort. Throw a potluck supper or enlist some decorating helpers.
  3. Make time for “me”. Don’t run yourself ragged – if you enjoy having a hot bath before bed, carve out some time for it. Book your regular massage therapy appointment; make sure you still have time for that daily walk or jog.
  4. Try to stick to your healthy habits. We all know that if you’re going to indulge, this is the perfect time of the year to do it. But instead of gorging yourself and then feeling horrible after, tread lightly at the buffet. Have a small taste of everything instead of a full serving. Also, limit your alcohol intake if possible. Alcohol not only adds to a bad mood the next day, but it disrupts sleep patterns skyrockets your calories!
  5.  Be prepared for the unexpected. Have a few extra cards and small gifts lying around just in case there is someone you forgot.
  6. Stick to your holiday budget. Make a list and check it twice – saving money is definitely a stress-buster.
  7. Shorten your “to-do” list. Take a good look at all of your items and think about whether or not they really need to be done.
  8. Make room for the new by purging the old. If you’re making a few new holiday purchases, try to donate or throw out (depending on the condition) your old items.
  9. Do something nice for someone else. Volunteer your time for the homeless, shovel the neighbours walk or buy a toy for an underprivileged child. Doing good will not only help others, it will make you feel wonderful too.
  10. Remember what the holidays are all about. No matter what holiday you celebrate, do it with your loved ones.

We can never truly eliminate stress, but we so have control on the amount of stress we pile on ourselves.

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