How To Ease Post-Weaning Depression
Posted by Catherine Woodlock

Catherine’s Story
After 2 full years of nursing my daughter, I finally felt ready to let go of this intimate stage of our relationship. We prepared her for months and used the book Booby Moon by Yvette Reid (highly recommended!)
When the moment was right, we let the milk magic fly back up to grandmother moon, so that other babies can have milk. It was a beautiful process.
And then, about 3 days after our last milk, I felt uncontrollably weepy. I was happy about the transition and excited to have my bodily autonomy back, but I just couldn’t stop crying.
Luckily, I was expecting this – when I researched what to expect with weaning, I found something surprising that I have never heard of- post weaning depression.
What is Post-Weaning Depression
During the nursing relationship with our children, our body is awash with oxytocin – the love hormone.
Not only do we lose a piece of our identity and a special phase with our child when we wean, but we also lose the plethora of feel good oxytocin that has been rushing through our systems.
Typically, post weaning depression doesn’t last long, but it is very helpful to be prepared.
How to Ease Post-Weaning Depression
To help ease through this transition, anything that boosts oxytocin will help. (‘feel good’ sensation in your body)
Also, any time there is a transition, it helps to incorporate some kind of ceremony to mark the rite of passage to help bring closure to the spiritual / emotional aspect of the change.
Here are some things that I did that helped to ease the sadness of weaning:
♡ tons of extra cuddles with my toddler
♡ extra cuddles with my husband and my cats
♡ I offered some of my milk back to the earth in thanks for this amazing resource
♡ I took my expired freezer stash and had a beautiful milk bath with flowers and candles and let myself experience the full range of emotions
♡ I didn’t suppress any of the emotions and instead allowed myself to experience them fully
♡ gave everyone in my life a heads up that I am experiencing depression
♡ acupuncture -helps boost oxytocin and helps to rebalance and bring a sense of calm
Did you experience post weaning depression? What helped you through it?
Contact us for more information on how we can support you on your wellness journey through fertility, parenthood and beyond.
image: @ashleyrandlephotography