Integrative Fertility Symposium 2016 Highlights
Posted by Admin

Our team just got home from the 2016 Integrative Fertility Symposium and wanted to share some highlights.
This conference was chalk full of world leading experts in regard to fertility. We had talks from world leaders in Oriental Reproductive Medicine and in Western endocrinology, obstetrics and gynecology, and male fertility. The reproductive endocrinologists and urologists (male and female fertility doctors) who were present at the conference recognized a few very simple ideas about Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and how we can support and increase their clinical success rates:
- While reproductive endocrinologists are the experts when it comes to ensuring that sperm and egg meet, they recognize that the health of the sperm and egg are influenced by the parents’ overall health. They readily acknowledge that the success of the outcome of IVF is influenced by epigenetic factors (how a person’s diet and environment affect the expression of their genetics), and that acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and the diet and lifestyle advice that we give can positively influence the parents epigenetics and the genetic heritage that they pass on to future generations.
- The health of the mother and father obviously influence the health of their child, but because the fetus’s reproductive organs are forming in utero, the parents’ health also influence the genetic heritage of their grandchildren. Clearly the future generation are greatly impacted by the health and epigenetics of the parents. By having the opportunity to work with couples for at least three months prior to an IVF cycle, we as acupuncturists can potentially influence the health of three generations, which is really quite amazing!
We cannot wait to apply all that we have learned at this symposium to our patients! Please contact us today if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment!