Katonah Yoga for Fertility

Posted by Tira Mills

Katonah Yoga is based upon the principles that yoga is designed to improve the function of the organs.
The practice creates space within the body, thus creating room for the organs to function well.

Chinese Medicine Organ Systems and Fertility

The primary organ systems related to fertility in Chinese Medicine are the Kidneys and the Heart, as well as the Liver. A yoga practice focused on improving functionality of these organ systems will improve chances of conception, as well as overall wellness and vitality.

Yoga for the Kidney System

To access the Kidneys, one must work with the lower body. Our two legs relate to the two Kidneys and
represent the root system of the body. Using tools and postures to access the lower parts of the body
will give space and comfort to the Kidneys, flush out any stagnation within them, and keep their energy
reserves flowing well. These include pigeon, bound angle, shoelace, and standing folds.

Yoga for the Heart System

Working with the Heart system means working within community. It relates to the articulation of the practice and needs held within the body. The Heart is meant to feel all emotions fully, but then is designed to let them move through and release these emotions as well. A practice focused on clarity of needs and communal guidance and support gives nourishment to the Heart system and brings joy to the
practitioner! Breathwork (pranayama) helps move stagnant energy out of the Heart.

Yoga for the Liver System

A happy Liver system is a well functioning with no stagnation or Heat held within. Guiding the
practice to include supported backbends and twists will open up the Liver’s capacity for movement and

Katonah Yoga provides archetypal patterns and fits for a well-informed practice. A good practice holds
up and provides clear evidence of improvements and expansion within the body and mind.

Contact us for a free 15-minute discovery call to find out more about how we can support you on your fertility journey with individualized Katonah Yoga.

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