Lumbar and Pelvic Pain Relief in Pregnancy
Posted by Sarah Kent

A 2014 study looked at the effect yoga had in treating pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain.
The results of the study were that the pregnant people who had participated in prenatal yoga noticed a greater decrease in lumbo-pelvic pain intensity over the ten weeks of practicing when compared with the group that participated in standard postural alignment over the ten weeks.
Prenatal Yoga is tailored to the the changes that occur in a pregnant body. It is designed to help align the pelvis and provide ease and support to areas of discomfort during pregnancy. This allows for creation of space in areas of the body that will ultimately support labor.
Prenatal yoga is a safe and calm space for mom and baby. It offers relaxation, meditation techniques and breath awareness- all tools that cultivate inward reflections toward oneself and baby. These classes also create community and a sense of support among expectant moms, who all share in this unique experience.
Please join us for our upcoming 6 week Prenatal YogaPuncture series, where we will be offering specialized prenatal yoga with acupuncture points during the final resting pose, to deepen the benefits of your yoga practice.
Thursdays Nov 7 – Dec 12
$150 for 6 weeks
$30 for Drop-in
Space is limited! Register now.