Mindful Breath Awareness
Posted by Dr. Alda Ngo

I have the honour of guest blogging for Olive Fertility Centre this month.
Here’s this week’s blog:
Are you feeling anxious or stressed?
According to Mental Health Research Canada, anxiety & depression levels have increased significantly since the pandemic. On top of the usual fertility stress, finding effective tools to support yourself is more needed than ever.
Try Mindful Breathing
The breath is like an anchor, often our mind & body are in 2 different places. We’re often doing one thing while thinking about something else. Bringing our attention to our breath unites the body & mind, actually re-wiring the brain. It’s like a brain workout: enlarging the frontal lobes to increase emotional regulation, while shrinking the amygdala, decreasing stress hormones.
Mindfulness helps you increase your capacity to concentrate & manage strong emotions, so that you can respond to stressful situations with more flexibility when you’re overwhelmed. It helps you to recover more effectively & sustainably from stress.
Here’s how:
- Find a comfortable upright posture, where you’re alert & at ease.
- Gently close your eyes.
- Try to adopt an attitude of open, gentle & kind curiosity.
- Now bring your attention to your breathing, wherever it’s easiest to feel. Usually at the belly, chest or nostrils.
- Focus your full attention on the sensations of breathing, with each inhalation & exhalation. There is no need to change your breathing, just notice it coming & going as it is.
- When you notice your mind has been pulled into thought, don’t’ worry – this is normal! As best as you can, notice that your attention has moved & simply notice the thought as a thought. Then kindly escort your attention back to your breathing.
- Continue focusing on breathing sensations & gently guiding your attention back to the breath whenever you notice it has been pulled elsewhere.
It’s all about noticing when your mind gets distracted & starting over & over again. Each time you do this, it’s like a bicep curl for the brain – strengthening healthy neural pathways!
For more information on Mindfulness & upcoming Mindfulness for Fertility and Mindfulness for Pregnancy after Infertility & Loss programs go to www.mindfulnessforfertility.com
Image: IG @worldwide.art.sharing