Mindful Eating Is A Secret To Longevity

Posted by Dr. Alda Ngo

Mindful eating is an ancient Chinese medicine secret to optimal health & longevity. We believe that it’s a shame to eat healthy food if the body is unable to absorb nutrients properly.

Today’s scientists agree that if we’re able to slow down & be present with food, we can benefit more from what we eat.

Mindful eating is about appreciating food rather than restricting it. It involves being present with our food to decrease stress.

Mindful Eating Decreases Stress & Increases Absorption

Studies confirm that stress negatively affects our digestion by disrupting GI tract movement, absorption, inflammation & bacterial counts. Stress can also lead to many digestive disorders.

We live such fast-paced lives, eating becomes an auto-pilot activity. We tend to multi-task as we eat – while working or driving, surfing the internet, or checking for text messages. Our minds are busy doing one thing, while our bodies are doing another thing.

Research shows that avoiding distraction while eating increases the body’s absorptive capacity. Being present with the flavours & textures of our food rather than multi-tasking while eating allows the body to focus its attention on digesting.

Here are some mindful eating tips:  

  • Be intentional – try to choose a location that is meant for eating when you eat.
  • Simply eat. Avoid multi-tasking while you’re eating.
  • Chew thoroughly. Make sure each bite is well-chewed before swallowing it. Aim for 25-30 bites.
  • Place your fork or spoon down in between bites as you chew.
  • Pay attention to the colour, texture, aroma & flavours of the first 5 bites of a meal.
  • Try to feel grateful for your food. Studies have shown that feeling gratitude also decreases depression.
  • Please enjoy your food!

Mindfulness Programs

Did you know that research shows mindfulness-based programs for fertility decrease emotional distress & increase resilience? We know what a roller coaster it can be.

Join us for our next Online Mindfulness for Fertility program beginning January 30th  

Find more info and registration at mindfulnessforfertility.com


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