Movember Massage

Posted by Kassidy Finch

Why relax guys?? 

Seriously! What is all this hype about anyway? I’m relaxed….right? 

It actually hasn’t been too long that massage therapy has begun to be recognized as more than just a spa treatment for women, and don’t get me wrong I love a good spa day, but what you may not know is how much massage therapy can benefit all bodies and genders, including you guys! Here are some reasons why more men are seeking therapeutic massage:

Sports Massage

Active and do sports? Massage therapy can target your specific muscle groups to increase flexibility, decrease post workout pain, and aid in rehabilitation for injuries that keep nagging. We can even show you exercises and stretches that will help pre and post workouts or games to maximize your muscles’ capacity and recovery.

Desk job?

Guess what! Massage can help with tensions and strains you have at work. Chronic shoulder and neck tension, headaches, carpal tunnel, sciatica, and chronic tendonitis are just a few of the conditions that many suffer from working a desk job. Massage can ease and sometimes even eliminate these conditions. Saint Mary’s University research on massage therapy indicates that desk work strain can be reduced by 33% and blood pressure by 7% in just 4 weekly treatments.

Relaxation is key

With increased education around healthy living, many men are becoming more health conscious, attending to both physical and mental health.  Massage is the perfect blend of both. Let’s face it, stress is the worst! It disturbs sleep, wreaks havoc on relationships, raises blood pressure to unhealthy levels, depresses our immune systems, and diminishes productivity which in turn decreases our sense of satisfaction and wellbeing.  

Try it out! Book with us today. You tell us what you experience. 

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