National Breastfeeding Week
Posted by Catherine Woodlock

In honour of National Breastfeeding Week, we want to acknowledge the immense journey of breast & chest feeding mamas and parents.
However you feed your baby is best, and for National Breastfeeding Week we see you and acknowledge what an important job it is.
The journey of breast/chest feeding can be fraught with difficulties, especially in the beginning. One of the most common sentiments of new parents is that they wish they would have known how challenging this part of parenting can be.
Keeping your brand new family member fed for 24 hours of the day is more than a full time job. I usually tell my patients that during this time, their only job is to keep baby nourished while everyone else nourishes them.
I recommend that my patients get supremely comfy, get a good series of books on a Kindle or Kobo (think easy to hold with one hand), very large water bottles full of water and electrolytes, tons of one handed, nutritious snacks, and to simply surrender to the special slowness of this stage of life.
Another thing that I recommend to all of my patients is that they have an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant on their team. I also urge my patients that if something is feeling wrong – such as pain or lack of milk supply – to not wait to give their lactation consultant a call. IBCLC’s are experts on all things breastfeeding and have the knowledge to make a major impact on a family’s nursing journey.
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion can also be very helpful in the early days for the following issues:
♡ clogged ducts
♡ mastitis
♡ low supply
♡ candida infections
♡ Raynaud’s of the nipples
If you would like to learn more about how we can help you with your journey, contact us for a free 15 minute consultation.
photo: @joinpartum @kashafierceeee