Optimizing Health At All Stages: Part 1 of 3 Part Series
Posted by Admin

Don’t miss our next free information session by Naturopathic Doctor Dr.Kirti Deol!
Turning back your biological clock
-Ways to practice proactive and preventative health management
3 Part Series:
Part 1: Optimizing health at ANY AGE
– Discuss the importance of listening to your symptoms, the most common preventable diseases (male and female), anti-aging at any age, detoxing every 6 months, and the importance of lab testing.
Part 2: Optimizing health before starting a FAMILY
-How to prepare your body, hormone balancing, pre-pregnancy detox, common female and male issues surrounding infertility, boosting fertility naturally.
Part 3: Optimizing health throughout PREGNANCY
-Support for mom, dad, and baby, what nutritional needs increase, common pregnancy complaints with solutions, importance of postpartum care.
Join us for Part 1: Optimizing Health at ANY AGE –
Thursday, July 30
Whole Family Health
6523 111st
Edmonton, AB
Space is limited, to register contact 780-756-7736 or info@wholefamilyhealth.ca