Part 4: How Social Media Breaks Can Reduce Fertility Stress
Posted by Christina Pistotnik

Social Media Breaks
When experiencing difficulties trying to conceive, it can be really hard on the psyche seeing pregnancy and baby announcements taking place on social media. It can cause more stress to an already stressful situation.
That’s why I suggest taking breaks from social media from time to time. I know in this day and age, especially during a pandemic it might be hard to do this because this is a way that we stay connected to some people. Therefore, if you don’t want to take a break there are ways to navigate the system.
Facebook has a setting where you can unfollow people (this will not notify that person that you have unfollowed them). This is a way to hide some people’s posts without unfriending them. This way, if you do want to see what is going on in their life you have the option to go to their page when you choose to.
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please feel free to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.
Image: @debbyillustration