PCOS Awareness Month: 5 Common Signs
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Today is World PCOS Day of Unity. Today is about coming together in solidarity for PCOS Awareness in support of the hundreds of millions of people impacted by polycystic ovary syndrome worldwide.
This day marks the beginning of PCOS Awareness Month, which is about improving the lives of those affected by PCOS and helping them to overcome their symptoms as well as prevent and reduce their risks for life-threatening related conditions.
5 common signs of PCOS are:
1. Irregular periods or maybe even no periods at all. The hormonal profile (ie. high androgens) of someone with PCOS disrupts ovulation, which often either delays ovulation, causing irregular and/or longer cycles or in some cases, no cycles at all.
2. Hair Growth on the Chin, Upper Lip, Chest or Stomach. This is called hirsuitism. Again those with PCOS often have increased androgen levels, which cause this pattern of hair growth.
3. Weight Gain, Particularly Around the Stomach Area. People with PCOS often present with insulin and leptin resistance. Insulin resistance makes our bodies store fat more readily and gain weight especially around the abdomen, which we know is a risk factor associated with cardiovascular health. Leptin resistance confuses our brain into thinking that we are in starvation mode, which disrupts our hunger signals.
4.Acne. Again those elevated androgens are the culprit, stimulating excess sebum production in the skin, which leads to bacterial growth and clogged pores.
5.Depression and Anxiety. People with PCOS have higher rates of depression and anxiety. This can be related to underlying hormone imbalances, increased inflammation and straight up stress from having to deal with PCOS symptoms.
We’ll be posting some more juicy info and resources throughout the month to support you with your PCOS symptoms.
Also check out www.pcosawarenessmonth.org to find out more about the National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association. They’re doing such amazing work!
Check out @annaremarchuk on IG – thank you for your absolutely stunning work!
If you or someone you know has PCOS, we can help! Book in for a free 15-minute consultation to find out how we can support you.