Spring Into a Healthier You

Posted by Christina Pistotnik

With spring finally making an appearance after what felt as if winter was never going to end, here are 3 tips to help to become a healthier you:

1. Go Outside and Enjoy the Fresh Air

We are so lucky to have so much green space here in Edmonton, take advantage of the many walking trails in the ravines or river valley. By being outdoors it helps us to reconnect with nature and is a sure fire way to get us in a healthier mindset.  Also, walking is a great low impact way to exercise, providing strength to our muscles and joints.

2. Start a Cleanse

Cleansing once a year is important to our health and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine; the season of spring is the best time to cleanse the body of toxins. This is because spring is the season that the liver and gallbladder are most active. By doing a simple cleanse during this time of year can help the body to rid itself from any stagnation that is left over from the winter months.

A cleanse can take place for 3-21 days depending on what you think your body can handle or talk with your health care provider for clearer insight.

One simple cleanse that I like to do consists of:

  • Starting each day off with a glass of warm water and one-two tablespoons of lemon juice mixed in
  • Eating organic foods that are consumed by juicing, steaming, roasting with small amount of oil or eating raw
  • Water or non-caffeinated herbal teas (at least 2L/day)

Foods/spices that can be eaten in abundance:

Spinach, Kale, dandelion greens, endive, parsley, beet, chard, mustard greens, endive, arugula, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions, shallots, garlic, leeks, artichokes, celery, asparagus, zucchini, cucumbers, beets, string beans, beet greens, naturally fermented sauerkraut, sea vegetables, Rice based protein powder, mung beans, black beans, chickpeas, legumes, ginger, cayenne, curry, turmeric, nutmeg, and cinnamon

Foods/substances eaten in moderation:

 Fruits eaten as whole or placed in juicer: Apples, pears, peaches, blueberries, and raspberries, and citrus fruit (one serving/day). Grains: rice, quinoa, or amaranth (1/2 cup/day). Flax, coconut, and/or olive oils (only 2 tablespoons/day)

Foods/substances to avoid:

Beef, pork, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, gluten (wheat, rye, oats, barley), corn and all products containing corn, sugar, honey, molasses, artificial sweeteners, fruit juices (from concentrate), nuts, cold drinks, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and all processed foods

3. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatments

Depending on your needs as an individual having weekly, biweekly, or monthly acupuncture treatments can help support you in your goals to become healthier. Whole Family health acupuncturists use acupuncture and herbal medicine to help support your entire system so that healing can occur effortlessly within yourself.

Acupuncture is known to help in a multitude of ways including but not limited to; hormone balancing, endocrine support, boosting metabolism, stress reduction, problems related to digestion, and as always musculoskeletal tension/pain relief

For more information contact us!


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