What People Are Saying About Whole Family Health
Posted by Admin

Here’s what people are saying about Whole Family Health!
“Hi Cecil, thanks for all your help! I’m finally pregnant! This fresh transfer of one blastocyst worked! We are thrilled! Due May.” – B
“Thanks for all your support, guidance, hope and calm through this ongoing journey for us. This definitely would be a million more times difficult without you and your team. Thanks for making a difficult time just a little bit easier.” – M
“Dear Cecil, thanks for all you to do help us, we’d be lost without you!” – C
“Hi Cecil, I appreciate all of the treatments, support, and knowledge you shared as we worked through the challenges we faced trying to complete our little family. Though our time dealing with secondary infertility was thankfully relatively short, you were a big part of getting us through it. We are so grateful to you for the roll you played in our journey. I tell people about you all the time and share our great experience with acupuncture whenever I get the chance. Thank you so much!” – S
“Good morning, Cecil! One year ago today, I emailed you to start acupuncture, and I wanted to say thank you!” – J
“There are literally no words that can express our gratitude – we would not have this beautiful babe without you. I’m thankful every day you came into our lives!” – C
“Cecil, we cannot thank you enough for all your help, support, and encouragement during our fertility journey. Take care!” – H
“Thank you for being so supportive over the last 6 months. I look forward to my acupuncture appointments because talking to you and a treatment always makes me feel better. It has been a long and difficult road and I’m thankful that you are on it with me.” – K
“I know that how you are with me is how you are with all of your patients…or, at least the ones you like; however, I really want to say thank you for all the advice, support and frankness that you offer to me. I appreciate you so much and you have been an amazing support up to this point. Thanks again, life coach!” – B
“Hey Cecil, Just wanted to say that yesterday’s treatment was fantastic. I had virtually no pain until late evening!!!! Awesome! And thank you!!! ” – G